Gullak, the popular Indian web series, has returned with its fourth season and fans couldn’t be more excited. The show, which revolves around the Mishra family and their everyday struggles, has captured the hearts of viewers with its relatable and heartwarming storyline. As the new season hits the screens, the talented trio of Jameel Khan, Vaibhav Raj Gupta, and Harsh Mayar, who play the Mishras, get candid with Gadgets360 about their experience working on the show.
Jameel Khan, who plays the role of the father, Santosh Mishra, shares his thoughts on the success of the show and the overwhelming response from the audience. He says, “It’s been an incredible journey with Gullak. The show has received so much love and appreciation from the audience, and it’s truly heartwarming. We are grateful for the opportunity to bring the Mishra family to life and to be a part of such a wonderful show.”
Vaibhav Raj Gupta, who plays the elder son, Annu Mishra, talks about the challenges of portraying a character that is so relatable to the audience. He says, “Playing Annu has been a learning experience for me. The character is so real and relatable that it was a challenge to bring out his emotions and struggles on screen. But the love and support from the audience have made it all worth it.”
Harsh Mayar, who plays the younger son, Aman Mishra, shares his excitement about the new season and the growth of his character. He says, “Aman has grown so much since the first season, and it has been a joy to portray his journey. The new season has some exciting twists and turns, and I can’t wait for the audience to see it.”
The trio also talks about the bond they share off-screen, which reflects on-screen as well. Jameel Khan says, “We have become like a real family over the years. We share a great camaraderie, and that translates into our performances as well. It’s a pleasure to work with such talented and dedicated co-stars.”
Vaibhav Raj Gupta adds, “Jameel bhai and Harsh are like my brothers now. We have a lot of fun on set, and that chemistry is evident in our scenes together. It’s a blessing to work with such amazing actors.”
Harsh Mayar also shares his experience of working with the show’s creator, Shreyansh Pandey. He says, “Shreyansh sir is a genius when it comes to storytelling. He has a unique way of bringing out the emotions and struggles of a middle-class family, and that’s what makes Gullak so special. It’s an honor to work with him.”
The trio also talks about the impact of the show on the audience and how it has resonated with people from all walks of life. Jameel Khan says, “The show’s success lies in its simplicity and relatability. It’s a story about a middle-class family, and that’s something that everyone can connect with. We have received messages from people of all ages and backgrounds, and it’s overwhelming to see the impact the show has had on them.”
Vaibhav Raj Gupta adds, “The show has a universal appeal, and that’s what makes it so special. It’s not just about the Mishra family, but it’s a reflection of every middle-class family in India. The show has touched the hearts of people across the country, and that’s the biggest reward for us.”
Harsh Mayar also shares his thoughts on the show’s success and its impact on the audience. He says, “Gullak has become a household name now, and it’s a testament to the hard work and dedication of the entire team. The show has brought a smile to people’s faces, and that’s the best feeling for any actor.”
As the interview comes to an end, the trio expresses their gratitude to the audience for their love and support. They also promise that the new season of Gullak will be full of surprises and emotions that will leave the audience wanting for more.
With such talented and dedicated actors, Gullak’s fourth season is sure to be a treat for the audience. The Mishra family has become a part of our lives, and we can’t wait to see what new challenges and adventures they will face in the