The OTT release of Baby John, starring Varun Dhawan, has been a topic of discussion ever since its lacklustre performance at the box office. The Hindi remake of the Tamil film Theri opened to a disappointing Rs 11.25 crore and managed to earn just Rs 35.4 crore in eight days. This has left fans and industry experts wondering about the film’s future and whether it will be released on OTT platforms. While discussions with various streaming platforms are ongoing, no deals have been finalized yet.
The news of Baby John’s underwhelming box office performance came as a surprise to many, considering Varun Dhawan’s popularity and the buzz surrounding the remake. However, the film failed to live up to expectations and received mixed reviews from both critics and audiences. Despite its star-studded cast and high production value, the film failed to make a mark at the box office.
As a result, the makers are now looking at the option of releasing the film on OTT platforms, which has become a popular trend in the current scenario. With the uncertainty surrounding the reopening of cinemas and the fear of another wave of the pandemic, many filmmakers have opted for the OTT route to release their films. The success of some recent releases on OTT platforms has further fueled this trend.
However, the decision to release Baby John on OTT platforms is not an easy one. The filmmakers have invested a considerable amount of time, effort, and money into making the film, and a theatrical release would have been the ideal way to recoup their investment. But, considering the current situation, the OTT release seems to be the most viable option.
The talks with streaming platforms are still ongoing, and no deal has been finalized yet. The makers are keen on getting the best deal possible while ensuring the film reaches a wide audience. With the growing popularity of OTT platforms, the film is expected to reach a larger audience than it would have in theatres. This, in turn, could potentially lead to a better return on investment for the makers.
Fans of Varun Dhawan and the original Tamil film Theri are eagerly waiting for the digital premiere of Baby John. They have been expressing their disappointment over the film’s box office performance and are eagerly waiting to watch it on their screens. The digital release will also give them the opportunity to watch the film in the comfort and safety of their homes.
The success of Varun Dhawan’s previous OTT release, Coolie No.1, has raised expectations for Baby John’s digital premiere. The actor’s charm and screen presence have always been a hit with the audience, and it is expected to be the same with this film as well. Moreover, the film has an emotional storyline that is bound to strike a chord with the audience, making it an ideal watch for families.
While the release of Baby John on OTT platforms is uncertain, one thing is for sure; the film has the potential to be a hit among the audience. The makers and the actors have put in their best efforts, and the film deserves to be seen by a wider audience. The digital release will also help the film to reach a global audience, further increasing its reach and popularity.
In conclusion, the OTT release of Baby John might be uncertain at the moment, but it is a highly anticipated one. The film has faced its fair share of challenges, but the team behind it remains optimistic and determined. With the ongoing discussions with streaming platforms, it is only a matter of time before the film finds its way to our screens. Let us all eagerly await the digital premiere of Baby John and support the film and its team in their efforts to entertain us.