Vikram Bhatt is a renowned name in the Indian film industry, known for his expertise in the horror genre. His latest venture, Bloody Ishq, has been making waves in the media for its spine-chilling trailer and intriguing plot. However, upon watching the film, one can’t help but feel disappointed and underwhelmed. The only things scary about Bloody Ishq are its torturous pace, pathetic CGI, and overly dramatic performances.
The film revolves around the love story of Natasha and Kabir, played by Tripti Dimri and Akash Dhar respectively. The two are deeply in love, but their relationship is put to test when Natasha’s ex-boyfriend, Rahul, played by Rahul Raj Malhotra, enters the picture. The story takes a dark turn when Natasha starts experiencing supernatural occurrences, and it is revealed that Rahul is a vengeful spirit seeking revenge on her.
While the premise of the film may seem intriguing, the execution falls flat. The film’s pace is excruciatingly slow, making it a tedious watch. The first half of the film is spent establishing the love story between Natasha and Kabir, which could have been done in a more concise manner. The second half, which is supposed to be the horror element of the film, is dragged on with unnecessary scenes and subplots, making the audience lose interest.
One of the biggest letdowns of Bloody Ishq is its CGI. In this day and age, where technology has advanced so much, one would expect a horror film to have top-notch visual effects. However, the CGI in this film is laughable and takes away from the scary elements. The ghostly apparitions and supernatural occurrences look more comical than terrifying, which is a shame for a horror film.
Another major flaw of the film is its overly dramatic performances. While Tripti Dimri and Akash Dhar try their best to bring life to their characters, their performances are overshadowed by the overacting of Rahul Raj Malhotra. His portrayal of the vengeful spirit is more comical than scary, and it becomes difficult for the audience to take him seriously. The supporting cast also fails to make an impact, with their performances falling flat.
Apart from the technical and performance aspects, the film also lacks a strong and cohesive storyline. The plot seems to be all over the place, with unnecessary subplots and twists that do not add any value to the film. The climax of the film is also underwhelming and leaves the audience with more questions than answers.
Despite its flaws, Bloody Ishq does have a few redeeming qualities. The film’s music, composed by Ashish Rego, is haunting and adds to the eerie atmosphere of the film. The cinematography by Prakash Kutty is also commendable, capturing the beautiful landscapes of Himachal Pradesh. However, these elements are not enough to save the film from its shortcomings.
In conclusion, Vikram Bhatt’s Bloody Ishq fails to live up to the expectations of a horror film. Its slow pace, poor CGI, and over-the-top performances make it a tedious watch. While the film does have a few positive aspects, they are not enough to make up for its flaws. It is a disappointment for fans of the horror genre and does not do justice to Vikram Bhatt’s reputation as a horror film director.